h2o architectes
10 Cité d’Angoulême, left-left corner stairs, 2nd floor left, 75011 Paris – France
T: 0033 9 64 00 52 81
F: 0033 1 44 54 91 64
contact @ h2oarchitectes.com
cv @ h2oarchitectes.com
presse @ h2oarchitectes.com
instagram @h2o_architectes
Architects partners
Charlotte Hubert
Graduated from the Paris-Belleville National School of Architecture in 1999, École de Chaillot in 2003. Chief Architect Historic Monuments Department since 2016. Member of the Commission Nationale du Patrimoine et de l’Architecture since 2007. Lecturer at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Nancy, 2011–2016. Currently lecturing at the University of Angers. Created h2o architectes with Jean-Jacques Hubert, 2005. Laureate Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectes et des Paysagistes, 2008. In 2016, with Jean-Jacques Hubert and Antoine Santiard, created Eugène Architectes du Patrimoine, specialising in the restoration of historic monuments.
Jean-Jacques Hubert
Graduated from the Nantes National School of Architecture in 1999. Teacher at the École Supérieure des Arts et Techniques, Paris, 2006–2010. Associate author at “Dess(e)ins”, creative drawing observatory, since 2012.
Created h2o architectes with Charlotte Hubert, 2005. Laureate Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectes et des Paysagistes, 2008. In 2016, with Charlotte Hubert and Antoine Santiard, created Eugène Architectes du Patrimoine, specialising in the restoration of historic monuments.
Antoine Santiard
Architect, graduated from the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne in 2001. Teacher at the Paris-Val de Seine National School of Architecture, 2010–2012 and Paris-Malaquais, 2007–2010. Has been teaching on the New York/Paris program at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University since 2012 and at ÉNSA Versailles since 2023. Joined h2o architectes as a partner, 2008.
In 2016, with Charlotte Hubert and Jean-Jacques Hubert, created Eugène Architectes du Patrimoine,
specialising in the restoration of historic monuments.
Eugène Architectes du Patrimoine
contact @ eugenearchitectes.com
instagram @eugenearchitectesdupatrimoine
Office manager
Céline Lebreton
Céline graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’architecture de Paris Val-de-Seine in 2012 and Paris Malaquais in 2014. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2016.
Muriel Furbury
Administrative and finance manager
Hélène Maes
Communication and development manager
Joëlle Agarande
Joëlle graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’architecture de Versailles. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2018.
Eloi Bidaud
Eloi graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’architecture de Nantes in 2022. Has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2023.
Luke Gates
Luke graduated from University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2014, and from the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Val de Seine and Università Iuav di Venezia in 2022. He has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2022.
Charlotte Linder
Charlotte graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’architecture de Versailles in 2018. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2021.
Éléonore Legrand
Éléonore graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’Architecture de Toulouse and Paris Belleville in 2022. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2023.
Marie d’Oncieu
Marie gratuaded as an architect from the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais in 2019, and from the Aalto University in 2022 for a wood program specialization. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes from 2018 to 2021 and since 2024.
Mathéo Duquesne
Mathéo, gratuaded as an architect from the l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Bretagne in 2024. He has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2024.
Natalia Orbai
Natalia, gratuaded as an architect from the Ecole d’architecture de Grenoble in 2007. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2021.
Ava Rastegar
Ava graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais 2018 and 2019. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2023.
Tanguy Richard
Tanguy graduated as an architect from the Ecole d’Architecture de Nantes and urban planner for the Université de Nantes in 2024. He has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2025.
Lou Tafforeau
Lou graduated as an architect from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Nantes 2018 and 2019. She has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2024.
Barthélémi Zha
Barthélémi graduated as an architect from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Paris Malaquais 2018. He has been collaborating with h2o architectes since 2022.
Collaborations since 2008
Ghita Aaddaj – architect
Jonathan Alotto – architect
Sam Ay Goda – architect
Astrid Aslanian
Joachim Badaoui
Noémie Bercot – administrative manager
Margot Berthaume
Pauline Besançon
Yann Beuzit
Arnaud Bobet – architect
Paul Boileau – architect
Mayeul Bouchard
Charlyne Bourin
Adélaïde Breuvart – architect
Joshua Burton
Beatriz Campos
Arnaud Cesar
Tiffany Chu
Jermaine Coley-Hines
Clara Corominas Gener
Mathieu Crabouillet
Clément Dauvilliers – architect
Océane Dehaynain
Tristan Delagneau
Charles Derilleux-Bes – architect
Rudy Dieudonne
Thomas Ducher – architect
Alice Dufourmantelle – architect
Basile Dumay
Solène Duplessis – architect
Mathéo Duquesne
Claire Fachetti
Marcello Ferrara – architect
Anouck Foch – architect
Maria Giulia Folonari
Damien Fregefond – architect
Bérangère François
Fanette Fressynet
Pierre Gaboriaud – architect
Fançois Gastesoleil
Marie Gatti
Léa Gelineau
Nicolas Grillet
Pierre Gommier – architect
Aurélien Gosset – architect
Nadège Goudard
Baptiste Guastavino
Alexandra Guiot – administration
Montserrat Guzman – architect
Nicolas Grillet
Laure Hamelin – architecte
Ocyane Hamon
Nestor Ivanov – architect office manager
Elioth Jeantet – architect
Jieun Kim
Bumjin Kim
Ambre Labat
Arnaud Latran
Belen Laqueche
Ange Lemée
Erwan Le Meur
Victoria Lenne
Marie Lennon – architect
Cyrielle Leonard
Matias Madariaga Ramirez
Malgorzata Los – architect
Martial Marquet – architect
Léo Martial
Nicolas Maugery
Mathieu Moncomble
Edgar Monnet
Andrea Negri Poma
Ilaria Peru
Vanille Pfeffer
Laurent Pottier – architect
Krzysztof Pydo
Matias Ramirez
Lucie Réau – architect
Mathilde Reiss – architect
Camille Renault – architect
Zoé Robert
Juan Manuel Rodriguez Rosasco
Inès Roig
Lucie Rossignol – architect
Leo Sandoz
Chiara Saib
Godefroy Saint-Georges
Loredana Salavastru
Clara Salinas Álvarez
Marta Squintani
Semiha Sude Özfen
Florence Taché – architect
Eloi Toury-Arlaud
Grégoire Truffaut
Antoine Vedel
Victoria Vulliety
Katharina Westphalen
Emma Yergat
Dafina Zariqi